Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 - A Great Bike Story

Hey guys,

I thought I would answer a few of your questions first. As far as the monuments go, apparently it's a pretty common tradition by the missionaries here and so my companion Elder Stubbs said it was something worth doing even if we had to wake up at four and bike to the monuments before five thirty. As you can see the pictures we really spectacular and even more so on the camera because I've managed to play around with it and have pulled off some awesome clear pictures I even got compliments from the other elders I live with, so I assume they Re pretty good.

As far as the bed bug problem goes, we haven't had any trouble with them this week as far as we know, so keep our fingers crossed, or maybe they aren't hungry, fun horrible fact, bed bugs can live up to eighteen months without food (blood). But I'll inform you on the run down in upcoming weeks, but Nothing I'm too worried about and nothing you should be to worried about.

This week we pulled off some pretty good numbers, we talked to eighty people, gave away seventeen Book of Mormon's, and now have four more investigators making thirteen for us, but it's pretty pathetic when you can't even get one to commit to baptism. The hardest part that we struggle with is commitment first off, but second, most of these people were born and raised Catholic, which means they have already been baptized or so they say. And so it is really hard to convince them otherwise, the only way would to compare and share about the baptism of Christ and how it compares to the Catholic Church's way of baptism.

Of by the way mom and dad there is a really good book I am reading for personal study and it is really good, I encourage you buy and read it (it's on LDS library). I can' remember the name of it so I will email it too you in another email.

I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but why not it makes for a good story. First off I want to thank all of you for your prayers, because I know for a fact that God and angels are watching over me.
The other day I got in a bike accident, and a pretty bad one at that.
My companion and I were heading down Georgia towards the chapel for a meeting with the Branch Presidency, well on our way we were stuck behind a bus for a ways and you know how clean of air those things let off. So there were four lanes of traffic two going one way and another two going the other. So going down Georgia we are stuck behind this huge double bus on the inside lane. Well all the traffic on the outside lane had gone by and there was nothing to be seen and since the bus had stayed in the same lane for the last five minutes I thought this was a good time to pass the stupid bus...wrong!!! I switched onto the outside lane and about halfway up the bus the stupid driver obviously doesn't signal or check his mirrors, because he starts cutting me off and pushing me into oncoming traffics. So here I am left with three options stay where I'm at and get hit by on coming traffic, try to slow down and get nailed by the back of the bus and get run over, or three attempt the crazy and pass the bus before I get hit by on coming traffic. So I took the third option and I made it past the bus and crossed over safely, or so I thought. My death was just delayed because as soon as I crossed over past the bus there was a truck and a ramp (the kind used for hauling cars) with side bars on the ramp. In a unfortunate attempt to dodge and weave I was launched up over the ramp a little over six feet in the air, over the man of the truck, then over my bike in front of a moving bus to land on my back and then to tuck and roll. I got up less then a second later only to find the same stink'n bus about three feet from my head. I pulled myself together to find nothing on me black, broken, scraped, bruised or anything. It is quite comical writing about this now, but I'm not done; the best part about it all other than having a good story and a miracle in my life was the fact that when I picked myself up, there was a guy on the street who witnessed it all who shouts "Jesus does it again" "How do these people not believe in Jesus I saw for myself he pick you up and swooped you down" it could be very possible, all I saw was my life pass before me, it resembles a very bright white light. Yes, I was in shock for the next while after, but thanks to the power of prayer I'm alright. A little while later I was talking to my companion about it all, who was behind me and he said it was a real miracle because he thought I died, he was like you could have died multiple ways and you didn't. The only thing bad that came out of this was a sore wrist, may have tweaked my back a little bit, not much though, and my back tire rim kind of got bent out of shape, literally. So that was another adventure of the week to go and buy an new rim and fix my bike, but very much worth it in comparison to my life.

What I learned from this experience was the great importance of prayer and obedience. Nothing may have broke physically, but my pride did, this was a real humbling experience that testifying that God is watching over all. From what I endured in that five second time frame I should be dead or very much hurt. I have no idea how I picked myself up within a second of final impact. I literally did a waterski fall where you totally eat it except the difference is I wasn't landing on water, but rather asphalt. It truly was a miracle in my life and something I will look back in remembrance that God has a plan for all and he will watch over us in times of need as long as we ask, and then live worthy to receive. I thought about it a little and I came to this conclusion  of why would God want to help us when we aren't willing to obey him, it's like asking for money when you aren't willing to work for it, you just demand it.

So I thank all of you for your prayers, know that they do mean a lot, and I pray for you guys daily. Take care and enjoy the week.



(A little further explanation that he sent in a subsequent email).
So what happened was I passed the bus and I thought I was in the clear and I would have been had there not been a truck in the middle of the road and it had a ramp trailer, the kind a car could been placed on and towed. So it had bars/rails on the side so nothing would slide off, so I tried to dodge the ramp, but would have hit the bus and so I went up the ramp on an angle hit the side and flew off my bike in front of the bus along with my bike and then I made friends with the asphalt.

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