Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014

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Hey everyone,

This week has been a interesting one, but I can't recollect a lot of it except for a few things, but I'll do my best to write all I can.

This week wasn't near as successful as last week under certain conditions, was a good one, but nothing too amazing. So you know how I said we had a ton of investigators last week, ya, well they are dropping like flies, nothing here is stagnant here it just goes up and down. So a lot of the investigators we picked up last week listen to us, but you can tell they don't care because they obviously look bored and they don't remember anything you say, and they don't keep or remember the commitments you extended, so unfortunately we will lose a couple of them for that reason, then one of then is from Miami and will moving back down there soon, and we found out we lost three really good investigators because out of nowhere they decided to move, seriously they were literally here for one day and the next they were gone and living in another state that we don't know. However on the bright side we have picked up a baptismal date with this guy we met yesterday and he was committed in less than thirty minutes. He was a referral from a member/recent convert and he want to quit smoking so he really want our help and to hear what we teach. Funny thing is, is that he has already been reading the bible and the Book of Mormon before we came there, so keep our fingers crossed that we can help him, then with Zefferina, she is still going strong still praying for an answer, she tells us she's been praying, but admits she may not be listening for an answer, so she said she would do that.

Ummm, what else oh ya, today we went to the American history museum, super cool museum, loved it, so much better than the Holocaust museum or the space museum. It really hits the patriotic side of you, and I can honestly say that I am proud to be an American, super cool history, a lot of cool artifacts and videos of wars and to respect the American soldiers. I really have a new found respect for our troops and what they do.

Not much else happened this week, except that my Trainer Elder Stubbs is being transferred to another area, I am staying and will get a new companion, so we will see what happens to area once he leaves because he knows everything about this area basically and I get I get to figure out how to lead my new companion around the city.

Lake Powell sounds like a blast, but it is whatever not much I can do a few thousand miles away, so have a good time and web safe.
Well that's a week.



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