Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29, 2014 Weekly Letter

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Hey family who is most likely down in Lake Powell still. I hope you you had a good time in Lake Powell, and as far as I know everyone is alright I hope. This week wasn't too exciting, transfers were this week and another group of missionaries have come and gone. My trainer has left me and my new companion is Elder Hatch, he technically is on his last transfer give or take, but chances are I will be killing him (missionary saying) on August 31. Can't say much for this week we are still teaching the same people and I have been trying to maintain the area, making sure we make our goals, trying to fellowship our investigators more and getting a better relation with our members, which has proved to be difficult.
We have been teaching a new guy named Juan and this guy has a baptismal date for July 27, he seems very promising he keeps all his commitments and I see the desire that he has to change, he essentially is what you call golden. I hope we can keep him on track for a baptism, we just have to work with him on the smoking problem, but he is trying really hard to stop.
We have also been teaching Zefferina and have tried to put a baptismal date on her multiple times and still nothing. We are planning on fasting for her on Sunday and hopefully that can provide a change of heart for Zefferina.
Other than that not much has happened since last week, hope you have a good week.



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