Hey guys,
I just read your letters and I'll do my best to answer and tell you all that happened, etc.
It's hard to compete with your guy's week, but I would say that ours was pretty fun and successful for the most part.
I received your package mom and, yes, those marzipan bars are amazing, quite frankly everything you send is amazing, I love all that you make and it's a real downer that I can't have your food for two years. I appreciate the deodorant, can I just say that it is the best stuff on the planet, I really works especially in the heat, which is getting hotter and hotter, but I've got over the fact of coming home wet with sweat. I didn't think it was possible to get hotter, but it does.
Speaking of weather there was supposed to be a tornado here yesterday and extreme winds, not going to lie I wanted to see a tornado, and....nothing, nothing but blue skies, yup blue skies and sun, totally lame.
So you guys went to Pineview, sounds fun and like you guys had a fun time, sorry the boat didn't work the whole time, but hopefully you had a good time none the less. I kind of reminds me of yesterday, so yesterday we were in a trio for the night and so we were riding bikes down a steep hill and you know me, I want a adrenaline rush and so was doing some cutting on the bike going back and forth and so I'm ahead of everyone else and all of a sudden I hear this tire skid and so I thought it was me and then to my surprise I hear this thugnnnnng and I was like that wasn't me and I looked back to see Elder Perrin jumped a curd and rammed into a sign, luckily he was alright, but it was really hard not to laugh just off of the sound and the image. Apparently he was talking on the phone and trying to switch gears and lost control, so that was quite amusing, we all had a good laugh off of it.
Jackson and his parade, dang, I missed it, sounds super cool, especially the part about being on the news. I'm sure they did awesome, they always do, and just want to say "good job Jackson, your the bomb." (By the way I didn't get any movie of Jackson, well not true I did get something but it was more like a blank page with something about taco time written on it).
On a side note, tell Shawn congrats when he gets home, I've seen his posts, not watched them, but saw them none the less and looks like he enjoyed himself. Also tell Heidi and Sandra I wish them well and I'll keep them in my prayers, and also apologize to Sandra and Joyce I did get their emails and I thought I responded to them, but maybe I didn't with the collage of things that go on, so tell them I got there message, I appreciate them and sorry I forgot to respond.
Super cool, I can't believe the church has made a new temple movie and the Ogden temple is almost completed, that sounds so weird, I remember in the MTC thinking about its completion seemed so long away, but it's basically done and almost open, it's nuts.
As for an update for this week, I had an exchange with the zone leaders this week, and he came here to the city, I hope I didn't fail to mention the English zone leaders and I was left alone to speak Spanish in our appointment, fortunately one knew English and the other could speak a fair amount to English as well, I don't know what I would have done otherwise. It was a fun experience and it gave me a fairly good amount to anxiety, but luckily it went alright.
We also had a lemonade stand finding activity and that was fun, I grew a little bit more in confidence as I talked with the people by myself. It was funny because we positioned ourselves right in front of the JW's or the Jehovah's Witnesses. We found a lot of people through that activity so it was a success.
Today we played some soccer and some more parkor, lots of exercise and I need it because I am out of shape, and really unhealthy, so back to get on track with fitness, just wish I was a little more awake at six in the morning to work out.
Investigators are all good, sadly we have to push Delmira back two weeks because she's not ready, but on the bright side we taught nineteen people this week, that is incredible in comparison to the average seven to nine lessons that we teach a week.
My companion just told me this quote I thought it was awesome so thought I would share--"When Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future"
Everything is cool here, still rocking DC, it's crazy transfers are coming up next week and I'll have hit my fourth transfer out, pretty crazy.
Anyway, enjoy your week, love you guys.
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